Snap! Websites Journal

Tunneling with SSH

Today I had a need to connect my local VPS at my office to a VPS at DigitalOcean. Not only that, the DigitalOcean runs the service I wanted to connect to on a separate network. Here is an example of the network (the IPs are fake, of course):

Creating an SSH Tunnel between a VPS and Local Service on a Remote Computer

Today I created a new release, version 1.8. You can find it on github.

This includes a ton of bug fixes that 1.7 was plagued with. It also includes new code (thread pool/thread worker) and especially, a break up of several objects from the libsnapwebsites to their own contrib projects.

This includes:

  • snapdev (18 header only functions from the libsnapwebsites)
  • addgetopt (snap_config.cpp/.h)
  • cppthread (snap_thread.cpp/h)
  • snaplogger (log.cpp/h)
  • eventdispatcher (snap_communicator.cpp/h)
  • snapcatch2 (our own catch project compatible with our projects)
  • ...

Shredded leaves — we can also shred your files!

Introduction to Shred

In the last two days, I worked on a Jira task I had assigned to me in link with shredding files. Whenever you purge our project, it deletes a lot of files, including all the logs, configuration files, etc. By default, though, the purge command will just do:

rm -rf <path> ...

This generally works, only it is much better if you can also make sure that the content of the file is not recoverable. Under Unix systems, it often has been close to impossible to recover files because the OS was very quick at over reusing the just released blocks for new data. Not ...

When I first start of Snap!, I had one project, the snapwebsites folder.

As I started growing the project, I wanted to have some features that required other modules such as the log4cplus library to handle logging.

The fact is that as a result the library (read: common code to all the Snap! Website services) as grown to be a really large one! Difficult to manage and each time a small change is made, we incur a long wait for rebuilding everything.

So we started working on breaking up the library in smaller parts. We already have some functional projects which now encompass some of the low ...

I updated the old version of zipios to version 0.1.7 as a DoS bug was found in the older version (0.1.5).

The bug was found and fixed by Mike Salvatore of Salvator Security.

I noticed another potential problem with a second loop, so I enhanced the patch a bit.

Mike got CVE-2019-13453 registered. He also made a post about how the bug was discovered and fixed.

If you are using any version of Zipios++ version 0.1.5 (or the CVS source code) or any of the older versions, you want to upgrade to version 0.1.7 as soon as possible. The interface is exactly the same so the upgrade should be ...

Snap! Websites
An Open Source CMS System in C++

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